Why use custom cable assemblies?

Custom cable assemblies offer the opportunity to improve operationally, whether that relates to efficiency or compliance. There are also some serious risks to opting for off-the-shelf cable assemblies that can generate extra expense and cause some serious complications. If you’re looking to ensure that the cable assemblies you use are specifically suited to the needs of the application then custom cable assemblies are the obvious choice.

Reasons to use custom cable assemblies

  • Product and process reliability. You can boost the value of products and processes by using cable assemblies that are specifically suited to the job and based on critical performance criteria, which are more likely to be reliable and have zero weak links.
  • High performance outcomes. Working with a respected partner on custom cable assemblies that have gone through a rigorous testing process and integrate safe and compliant materials can help to ensure that you’re achieving optimum performance outcomes.
  • Using the best possible components. Custom cable assemblies will be put together from the most optimally compatible components for the application, from wires to connectors. This will not only mean you’re always using the best possible parts but also lead to reduced production timelines too.
  • Minimising time to market. A customised approach means that you’re benefitting from a process based on proper use of material and compounds, compatibility and compliance, which can reduce the time to market and enable a much quicker deployment.
  • Overcoming the learning curve. When it comes to custom cable assemblies, essentially you don’t know what you don’t know – and finding it out can prove to be an expensive learning curve. Working with a reputable partner can help to shorten this learning curve, and its associated costs, as research, engineering, prototyping and testing are all integrated into a much more efficient process.

The risks you face if you don’t

If you’re not using custom cable assemblies then you may be selecting a cable assembly that isn’t actually suited to the specific needs of an application. That can create a number of specific risks for your business, including:

  • Safety issues. Poor quality cable assemblies – or those that aren’t fit for purpose – can result in electrical fires, toxic smoke and combustion damage, among many other things.
  • Environmental damage. In environmentally sensitive areas it’s vital that cable assemblies have protection such as leak prevention and sensing built in.
  • Loss of business continuity. Downtime can affect business continuity – off-the-shelf cable assemblies that aren’t designed for a specific application may have a shorter life cycle and continuously cause problems.
  • Damage to equipment. If you’re working with custom cable assemblies then it’s simple to build in advanced technology, such as sensing, to protect equipment. Many off-the-shelf alternatives won’t be able to offer this.
  • Impact on reputation. Field failure issues can seriously affect the reputation of your business and are more likely to arise where cable assemblies haven’t been custom designed for an application.

These are just some of the risks and benefits that illustrate why using custom cable assemblies is the obvious choice.