Celebrating GEM Cable’s AS9100D Recertification Success

At GEM Cable, we go above and beyond to ensure our products and services not only meet but exceed the strict standards of the industry. It is with immense pride and excitement that we announce our latest achievement: the successful completion of our AS9100D recertification audit, with no non-conformances. This accomplishment affirms our capability to supply our customers with the outstanding quality they have come to expect and deserve from us for another three years.

What Does AS9100D Certification Mean?

To those unfamiliar, AS9100D might seem like just another certification. However, in the aerospace and defence sectors, it’s a symbol of reliability and excellence. This globally recognised standard enhances the ISO 9001:2015 requirements with stringent criteria that cater specifically to the aerospace industry, focusing on areas critical to safety, quality, and reliability. Achieving and maintaining this certification reflects an organisation’s commitment to upholding the highest standards in every facet of its operations.

Our Recertification Journey

To GEM Cable, our AS9100D recertification is more than a compliance exercise; it is our commitment to continuous improvement and operational excellence. The audit process was thorough, examining every aspect of our operations to ensure that we not only adhere to established standards but also continuously seek ways to surpass them.

Completing our recertification with zero non-conformances is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team at GEM Cable. It highlights our collective effort to integrate quality management deeply into our daily operations, ensuring that excellence is not just a metric but a foundational principle of our work culture.

Recertification is a stepping stone towards greater achievements. It solidifies our foundation for delivering innovative solutions and supports our vision to confidently explore new opportunities. For our esteemed clients, it serves as a reassurance that GEM Cable is a partner who not only understands their needs but also exceeds their expectations in quality and reliability.

A Promise of Unparalleled Quality

As we celebrate this remarkable achievement, we are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. With the AS9100D recertification under our belt, we are more prepared than ever to advance the boundaries of aerospace and defence solutions.

Achieving AS9100D recertification with no non-conformances is a significant accomplishment for everyone at GEM Cable. As we continue to serve our clients and the industry, we do so with the confidence that comes from knowing we are among the best at what we do.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership.